Saturday, March 8, 2014


I am back in civilization after a really long time. I actually have many drafted blog posts before this but I ended up deleting all of them because I felt that they weren't exactly update worthy. It has been exactly a month since I last blogged but to sum the month up, I did not do much besides working and I have been spending the week mostly on running errands for school. I have received my enrollment package last week and that thing itself took up so much of my precious time. Lets just get ahead with the important things now.

1st March was spent running errands in the afternoon, getting my ID photo taken and printing out as well as photocopying all the documents needed for school. Not forgetting, I stayed at work till 1:30AM the previous night because there was stock take sigh. Spent the night over at DTE's Sakura intl' buffet for dinner with 1/3 of the 4E4 mates. It was a great night and I had a really great time laughing over all the stupid things we talked about and also playing all sorts of games! We really need another gathering with our kiki and the other 2/3 of the class.

From the 3rd to 5th, it was all spent on getting my medical check up done, going to the bank and continuing with my enrollment nonsense. Did a little teeny weeny bit of shopping too and I bought myself a denim vest which costs $69... #musthavebeencrazy (but I love it). I managed to meet xm for a while on Wednesday too after running around and it was a really really bad day. I will not go into the details but if you have seen my twitter, you will know why. Dinner that day was awesome because we had 부대찌개(army stew) at Manna story. It was soooo good and filling tho. Had so much rice cakes as well as 오댕(korean fishcake) that day.

I really needed some retail therapy too so I went for one with kkt. (8th March) I really like going out to shop with him because he is by far the most patient guy ever when it comes to shopping. He don't mind waiting at all even when I can spend a long long time changing. We are always craving for the same food too so we have no issues when it comes to choosing food so yum yum to the dim sum we had today as well as the awesome matcha with azuki ice cream!!!!! It was so good he would say "so nice" after every mouth hahahaha. Spent a really long time walking around kinokuniya too. I managed to shop at Topshop and I am now an F3 member! I spent $151 just like that... on 2 pairs of shorts and a headband. Shopping is truely expensive :'((( I got what I wanted tho so I am more than happy.

Here it goes again though, 6 more days off non-stop working before I get a well deserved off day which I am going to spend at ECP with my #hapoythreefriends and maybe kkt. I really cannot wait for school to start already.

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